Saturday 29 December 2012

A different style of writing

I’ve learned to write in different styles. During high school, I wrote text responses, language analyses and expository pieces. They were simple because they had a structure—an introduction, three or four body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Fiction, on the other hand, is a mess. Every writer plans, outlines, writes and edits differently. It sounds easy but think of everything a writer incorporates into their work: characters, plot, subplots, theme, genre and whether it’s flash fiction, short story, novella, novel or a series.

Writing fiction is not as easy as many people think. I’ve been writing for over ten years and I still have trouble with every step.

So if I’m struggling with fiction, why have I picked up another style of writing?

Because it’s journalism.

Okay, don’t roll your eyes. The media blows things out of proportion and gives biased views but my articles involve facts, figures and stories about people and the environment. I write about projects all over the world so people can learn about what’s going on around them.

I read documents and watch videos to conduct research. I take all the jargon and scientific terms and condense everything into a three hundred word article everyday people would be interested to read.

Journalism is a different skill and I’m ecstatic with what I’ve achieved so far.

Best of all, I’m getting my writing out there. It’s not fiction but it’s a start and writing for like-minded people about nature and the environment (which I’m passionate about) is one of the best things I can do. It’s a mix of my two favourite things!

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